Society of Friends
by Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet
Just published
Aragon novelist
Herve Bismuth
To better grasp the genesis and the poetics of the novels of Aragon, the present studies question the models and reuses that shape their writing - thus emerging a set of prediscourses, imaginaries and stylistic patterns with which the work dialogues intimately.
Type of publication: Collective
Work director: Massonnaud (Dominique), Piat (Julien)
Contributors: Barbarant (Olivier), Gonon (Laetitia), Meyer (David), Murat (Michel), Piégay-Gros (Nathalie), Pintueles (Josette), Reggiani (Christelle), Roux (Pascale), Watine (Marie-Albane) , Wolf (Nelly)
Publisher: Classics Garnier
Collection / Review: Encounters, n° 144
Series: Rhetoric, Stylistics, Semiotics, No. 2
Release date: 05/18/2016
Year of publication: 2016

a singular plural,
texts collected byMarie-Christine Marchasson-MourierandRoselyne Waller,Valenciennes University Press, 2015
Do we know Aragon without having read Theatre/Roman, his “ dernier roman ” ? Although Aragon specified that his book was " from start to finish only an attempt to confuse the analysis ", his teeming and difficult complexity - vertigo of fiction, a taste for ransacking the confines of a revisited existence, heterogeneity of genres - was the subject of a symposium held on May 24 and 25, 2013 at the Moulin de Saint-Arnoult-en -Yvelines. The speakers tried to go through the organized labyrinth to detect, beyond the monsters that haunt it, paths of meaning and poetic paths ; to detect, in the fabric of disorder, in the games, the stakes and the ulterior motives affecting the theater of History, politics or intimacy, what connects this testamentary novel to the whole of work of Aragon and what comes from a new, last and irreducible creative originality. These are the avenues of reading that this book presents.
Aragon and hiswherepoetic work.
The “Work” challenged
J. Pintueles
Neither monument nor document, L'Œuvre poétique d'Aragon provides the circumstances of his complete works and programs their reading through commentaries, articles and various illustrations. The notion of work is challenged in its borders, its coherence, its generic divisions and its definition.
Garnier Classics

Cross searches n° 15 - Aragon, thirty years later
Any news on Aragon ? a necessary challenge ! Is there more to say about Aragon, after 2012, which saw the 30th anniversary of the author's death commemorated by multiple publications, books and articles, on paper and online, exhibitions and shows_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_? This volume, devoted to " Aragon, thirty years after ", bets that yes. Because, beyond a few useful summary articles prolonging the commemorative year, it essentially explores unknown or little treated aspects of Aragon's work as of the man : its reception , internationally (Japan and Congo), and in the school field (school, college, high school) or even university (in the case of the teaching of French as a foreign language), the way in which the author invests in his writing his activities as a translator, journalist or publisher, new intertextual leads (Maurice Barrès, Arthur Rimbaud, the painter André Masson), but also an unexpected facet of the child he was, thanks to unpublished correspondence and testimony . So to paraphrase Aragon himself, it is urgent to “ begin by [us] reading ”…
Patricia Principalli, Corinne Grenouillet, Erwan Caulet.
Strasbourg University Press
Source: ERITA (see links)

Verse and prose
Vladimir Mayakovsky
Poetry - French Letters
This volume of translations of Mayakovsky's verses and proses by Elsa Triolet was published by Éditeurs Français Réunis in 1957.
This selection of texts brings together both poems and some of his long epic texts – War and the Universe (1915-1916), 150,000,000 (1919-1920), The Poet is a Worker (1918), From this (1923), Désembourbez l'avenir (1924) – one of his plays, Les Bains (1930), as well as an essay on poetry entitled Comment faire les vers (1926).
This choice is preceded by Memories of Elsa on the poet and Mayakovsky's autobiography, Myself (1922).
This considerable collection provides an excellent overview of his work in superb translations.
Editions The Time of Cherries
- 01 41 69 94 68 - contact@letempsdescerises.net
- 77 boulevard Chanzy 93100 Montreuil
Aragon found
Pierre Daix
1916 - 1927
All his life, Louis Aragon never stopped rebuilding his youth. The recent revelation of his correspondence with André Breton and the publication of the intimate writings of Eyre de Lanux, his first mistress, upset his biography. Today, it is necessary to restore the truth. Volunteer doctor at the front in the summer of 1918, Aragon reveals in 1971 that his courage pushed his father, a politician, to assume his paternity until then hidden behind lies. Buried by a German shell, Aragon wins a summons and writes Anicet, a novel, which earns him the wrath of Breton. Demobilized, he finds him in the process of creating Magnetic Fields in “automatic writing”. Without him! Finally, it is the time when Aragon and Drieu la Rochelle become intimate, before a love rivalry sparked by a young American, Eyre de Lanux, breaks this bond. All of these elements shed new light on Louis Aragon and shed light on his youth, that of a writer at war.